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Read my Story
This awesome digital course teaches how to authentically connect YOU, your students and your school to the magic of the Arctic. I've included resources, interviews, projects and advice from Arctic experts and scientists PLUS much more!
We are working to authentically connect schools & educators with real projects, scientists, experts, and organizations studying our Arctic places via our new program called ArcticED Connect. Please join our email newsletter for updates.
Le'st Get Wild Together
It's so much fun that it just might encourage you to get a little WILD yourself!
Become an Arctic Odyssey Ambassador School and Get A Signed Arctic Print, Certificate, and School License to the Digital Course.
my newest offering
Yes, Please
They say if you start your morning off right, it can carry you through the whole day. Learn our 5 secrets to a more productive morning.
Steal this!
A Free Guide To Nature Travel Therapy.
Learn how spending time in nature can help relieve stress.