Health & Wellness

Here are 12 health and wellness tips tailored specifically for amazing educators like YOU!

I'm Kirsten

Just a midwest girl who spent 20 years teaching in Alaska, and works to help connect other educators (like you) authentically to wild places and to themselves! Learn More..

hey there

TOp categories

  1. Craft a Balanced Routine: Hey there! Let’s start by crafting a daily routine that’s balanced and mindful of your well-being. Schedule in time for work, self-care, and relaxation.
  2. Set Work-Life Boundaries: Remember to set boundaries between work and personal time. It’s essential to give yourself permission to fully unwind and enjoy your downtime.
  3. Keep Moving: Don’t forget to keep moving throughout the day! Whether it’s a quick stretch, a walk around the school, or some desk yoga, staying active helps keep those energy levels up.
  4. Take Mental Breaks: Remember to take those mental health breaks. They’re like little power-ups throughout the day to keep you feeling refreshed and focused.
  5. Fuel Your Body: Make sure you’re fueling up with nutritious meals and snacks. Your body will thank you for the energy boost!
  6. Stay Hydrated: Keep that water bottle handy and stay hydrated. It’s easy to forget to drink enough water during the day, but trust me, your brain will thank you for it!
  7. Rest Up: Sweet dreams! Make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye each night. Quality sleep is like hitting the reset button for your mind and body.
  8. Connect with Your Crew: Reach out and connect with your teacher tribe. Sharing laughs, swapping stories, and supporting each other makes the journey so much more fun!
  9. Stress Less, Relax More: Find what helps you unwind and de-stress. Whether it’s a cozy cup of tea, a good book, or some soothing tunes, make time for relaxation.
  10. Reach Out for Support: Remember, you’re not alone in this journey! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need a helping hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to your support network. Whether it’s a fellow teacher, a friend, or a counselor, there are people who care about you and are ready to lend a listening ear. Together, we’ve got this!
  11. Pursue Your Passions: Make time for the things you love outside of school. Hobbies and interests are like little doses of happiness that recharge your batteries.
  12. Count Your Blessings: Take a moment to appreciate the little things. Gratitude can turn an ordinary day into something extraordinary.

Remember, you’re doing amazing things every day. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your students. Keep shining!

Your Friend, Kirsten

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Nature lover, wild world connector, Health & wellness advocate, Educator & dreamer

Hi, I'm Kirsten .
Your BFF + Travel Guide.

I'm here to help you authentically connect with the world, to others, to your dreams and most importantly to yourself. 

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